Impulse Book Shopping

The Kindle has introduced me to a whole new world of impulse shopping. I’m not a very impulsive shopper, truly, but I am a Shopmobbing, Groupon surfing, deal finding sort of girl and everything for the Kindle is a deal.

I mean I can buy almost all of Terry Pratchett’s books for eight bucks a pop. That’s over half off!

I found myself browsing the Kindle store at o-four-hundred hours and happened upon a book I’ve been reading. This book is enormous and has been presenting some problems for me when I decide to carry it around. For one, it is, like all books are, essentially a slice of tree. You can imagine that if you get well into four or five hundred pages you end up with a fairly heavy book.

I looked at the price – $9.99, no tax and no waiting.

I thought about the huge book I’ve not been reading due in part to it’s lack of portability.

I checked the WhisperNet.

“Enh,” I thought, after a moment of contemplation. “Why not?” and with a single click I had my book magically in my hands and my device no more heavy than it had been thirty seconds earlier.

I immediately began to search for all the books people have recently recommended to me.

“A Million Miles in a Thousand Years?… got it.”
“Memento Mori? … I think I’d like to sample that first. Done.”
“Nine Kinds of Naked? … Not there… but hey! A button to tell the publisher I want it on the Kindle. *click*”

Now if it only came with two scratch and sniff options: New Book Smell – Old Book Smell.


  1. fp_blahblahblog · January 29, 2010

    My mom got a Kindle for Christmas and loves it like a 3rd child.  Well, maybe not quite that much…

  2. fibermom · January 30, 2010

    Hadn’t though about the smells… I sure like the whole magic aspect, though.

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