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New Years Resolutions 2010

I still haven’t done my New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve thought about them, technically, I just haven’t written them down. It’ll be very difficult finding them next year.

The thing I have to work on this year is constant balance.

At the moment the way my life works is cyclical. For a month I will be social-centric and do nothing but get out and party with friends. Then I’ll be focused on getting my home life under control and reorganize my home for days, making detailed lists of what I have and what I need. Then work comes in and I spend 18 hours a day working. It all starts over again from there.

From time to time I get sleep-centric or appearance-centric, but those are so few and far between they don’t even merit an honorable mention.

my intention this year is to spend some time on each of those things without getting such tunnel vision. As M Marine says, though, “You’ve always been a little intense.” He says these things in response to announcements from me like this:

“I’ve just listened to [fav song of the moment] for eight hours straight.”
“It’s midnight, I’ve been working since 9am… but I just have one more avenue to explore on this account.”
“I’m on weekend lockdown while I clean the old homestead and inventory my belongings.”
“I have parties every night for the next three weeks, but we should get together after one of them.”


Best to graze, as it were.

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