I have decided that I spend an inordinate amount of time doing this shopping thing. I never used to even care about shopping let alone enjoy it. My shopping time during my senior year of high school probably totaled less than twenty-four hours. However, this has appears to have changed.

This month alone I have participated in shopping excursions that lasted no less than four hours at a time. If we assume I did this once a week (which I have… if we count modestly) then that’s already 16 hours. Woo! Talk about a marathon.

Still, I enjoy it. I enjoy everything except the buying of shoes. Shoes are of the devil and the devil may take them.


  1. fibermom · November 23, 2004

    So what is it about shoes? And what are the chances that you will be able to find wool on Wednesday?

  2. TheWaterJar · November 24, 2004

    well, women’s shoes don’t appear to be the most comfortable things in the world…and they are extremely hazardous when left in particular places (such as on stairs) where i can’t see them as i’m stumbling in a sleepy stupor downstairs, get tangled up in all the crazy straps and bells and whistles and pointy heels, and fall in a chaotic tangle of arms, legs, and shoes down the remainder of the stairs. :   |   peace.

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