1. fibermom · August 24, 2004

    That is the truth!And, hey, those boys you mention sound like boys. They can’t help it.

  2. fibermom · August 24, 2004

    That is the truth!And, hey, those boys you mention sound like boys. They can’t help it.

  3. Anonymous · August 24, 2004

    hey!  Wow ..I never thought of the term “white person” as disrespectful ..now that I think of it I don’t think I have ever used it!  I usually use the word Caucasian ..or does that have a totally different meaning?  When I think the way the boys do I can see how they would think its disrespectful ..haha guess it puts things into a new “light” for me! Well I will ttyl!! -Tim-

  4. Anonymous · August 24, 2004

    sorry to post again! I just realized I never commented back on your post for Saturday! My apologies!  Slow computers are the pitts ..and if I come up I will definitely let you know because knowing me I will get lost on the way up there ..there ..and on the way back lol! I wish I was a fencer ..I’m too much of a chicken ..and seeing the french dude get his hand sliced and the look on his face didn’t raise me up alot lol!

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