Site icon Shedding Light | not heat

It’s two am and, you guessed it, I can’t sleep. It’s been a while since I had trouble sleeping. The last time was when I had just gotten out of school and I was trying to figure out how to get my junk home. Yeah. That’s worth the time.

Right now I am listening to Eddie Izzard and trying to decide between a banana and some milk or cereal to try to get to sleep… but we seem to be out of bananas.

Lucky Charms it is, then.

Sugar. Well done, “pretty girl.”

But I love it! I reminds me of my collegiate breakfasts of Lucky Charms, peaches, yogurt, eggs, bacon, milk, juice and biscuits. Surprised? Me too! I eat a lot more than I thought.

Sigh. I’m rambling. I’m off to eat my sugar laced with milk. I bet I love everyone that reads this.

Sincerely, Pokey

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